SCARED? Do it anyway! AboutBeing Brave Gathering courage I was told by a few friends before I departed that they really admired me for “being brave,” giving up the status quo and going on a walkabouts at my age. Backpacking is for folks in their early 20s, right? I...
MY JOURNEY How did I go from full-time videographer to a semi-retired wanderer on a beer budget? of nofixed address Teary goodbyes and reboots I’m lying on a leather couch in a rural Tuscan cottage, waiting for my sister and brother in law to arrive from the airport....
Next stop was Ranthambore National Park which is the best place for spotting Bengal tigers. It was once the private hunting ground for the kings of Jaipur but since 1957 has been a safe place for them to thrive. We stayed in a very cool fort hotel with paintings and...
Okay so #1. Jaipur isn’t really pink. It’s called the the Pink City because in 1876, the Prince of Wales and Queen Victoria visited India on a tour. Since pink denotes the colour of hospitality, Maharaja Ram Singh of Jaipur painted the whole city pink to...
The first really cool place the tour stayed was in a small village with a fort converted to a hotel (Madhoghar Fort)! Our room was in a corner of the fort and pretty nice. Some of the other tour members had super fancy bedrooms with tile mosaics and living rooms but...