Tearjerker Taj Mahal

Tearjerker Taj Mahal

​The next morning at the ungodly hour of 5 am we assembled at the train station to catch a train to see the Taj Mahal. We were still putting our luggage on the overhead bins when the smell of smoke started sliding into our nostrils. It got strong then I heard  an...
Delhi in which Beth dances Bangra on new years

Delhi in which Beth dances Bangra on new years

​One week ago which seems like forever ago i arrived in delhi. I was picked up at the airport and delivered to my hotel. I had a whole day to kill which was fine by me. I just took it easy,  caught up on email,  chatted with my sweetie and got some laundry done. I...
Backwaters of kerala in which no booze was to be found

Backwaters of kerala in which no booze was to be found

​After an air conditioned “local” bus full of other white people we arrived in Allepy which is the center for backwater boat tourism. Our guest house was in a lovely dutch heritage home run by a very sweet man who always seemed to be hustling business on...

Fort Kochin in which puppies were saved

​The train was about an hour late in leaving. This time I got our reservation correct and there were no hiccups along the way.  Each compartment on 2nd class trains has stacked mattresses/seats like bunk beds. During the night two people climb up and sleep on the...

Hampi part 2 in which Beth melts and sees monkeys

​Carrie and I woke up early to catch the sunrise at a temple near our guest house. After a bit of bushwhacking (we missed a turn which had nice but slippery stone stairs) we made it to the top of the rocky hill just in time to see the orange ball peek up over the...