Week two in which Beth sees naughty carvings

​We got up at an obscenely early hour I thought was the stuff of myth but here I was at 4:30 catching a taxi to the train station to Hampi. It was our first experience with the trains and it’s a very confusing complicated process. Made more confusing because we...

India week I in which delicious food was eaten on the beach

​After the initial piña colada and amazing dinner in palolem, I had a great sleep (of course after my heart rate went down due to previously mentioned centipede incident) My cankles needed some attention so Carrie and I caved to some high pressure sales tactics and...

India part one. In which Beth stresses out.

​Well I promised to write my first blog post ages ago.  Here i am on day four having some spare time to myself at last!  I first wanted to write about my high anxiety coming into this trip. India to me has always been sort of the epitome of travel. .. a...
Tips on Havana

Tips on Havana

I visited Havana, Cuba, in January 2015. It was interesting timing, as about a week before I left, the US announced that it was working on thawing the 50-some year old frosty relationship it has had with Cuba. I am very glad I was able to see Havana before the...