We got up at an obscenely early hour I thought was the stuff of myth but here I was at 4:30 catching a taxi to the train station to Hampi. It was our first experience with the trains and it’s a very confusing complicated process. Made more confusing because we...
After the initial piña colada and amazing dinner in palolem, I had a great sleep (of course after my heart rate went down due to previously mentioned centipede incident) My cankles needed some attention so Carrie and I caved to some high pressure sales tactics and...
The flight on air France was good and uneventful. I had champagne because I could. Aperatif ma’am? Why yes mademoiselle would love some. Anyone who knows me would chuckle to hear that I was seated beside two seven year old girls with a two year old...
Well I promised to write my first blog post ages ago. Here i am on day four having some spare time to myself at last! I first wanted to write about my high anxiety coming into this trip. India to me has always been sort of the epitome of travel. .. a...
I visited Havana, Cuba, in January 2015. It was interesting timing, as about a week before I left, the US announced that it was working on thawing the 50-some year old frosty relationship it has had with Cuba. I am very glad I was able to see Havana before the...